Thesis distinction

Kanika Sood a obtenu le deuxième prix de thèse de la section régionale des Hauts de France de la Société…

Portrait of Science (CNRS)

of Florent Louis

International Emerging Actions (IEA) du CNRS

Florent Louis, leader of the CHIMATMOSEL project (atmospheric chemistry of selenium-containing compounds), is…

newsletter PEPR-H2

Focus on hydrogen combustion in France

Thesis Award from SCF

to Thomas Panaget

Invited Duy Quang DAO

Invited researcher (CaPPA)

2023 HOT PCCP article

Rate Constant and Branching Ratio of the Reaction of Ethyl Peroxy Radicals and with Methyl Peroxy Radicals

New position as postdoctoral fellow available

See the the page 'Student Zone'

2023 PhD prize awarded to Jessy Elias

The Association Française de Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique (ARPE) has chosen to award its 2023 thesis…