Goldschmidt conference 2023

Conférence Congrès

Please join us at the Goldschmidt conference 2023 to be held in Lyon, France, from 9-14 July 2023.

We are delighted to invite you to share your recent research progress in the dedicated session to “Tropospheric chemistry processes: recent developments and challenges” (session13g – from Theme 13: Chemistry and physical processes of the oceans and atmosphere: now and through time)
The abstract submission is now open. Abstracts for both in-person and remote presentations are welcomed by 1st March 2023. Please find our session for your abstract submission and any information at:

 Session Description:

This session aims at a broad coverage of all recent advances in novel analytical techniques, modelling, laboratory, field and satellite-based investigations in tropospheric chemistry with a focus on its oxidation capacity, covering the multi-scale physics and chemistry of aerosol formation and ageing, as well as on recent stable isotopes and radioactive nuclides geochemistry studies ranging from chemical physics investigation, analytical technique development, and their applications in nature to enhance understanding of atmospheric processes and links to changes in climate. We invite contributions of such investigations, describing a better understanding of reactive processes in all phases, and covering the physical and chemical properties of aerosol particles. We also seek contributions that develop novel analytical approaches for radioactive and stable isotope geochemistry applications covering a wide range of problems in atmospheric, Earth and planetary sciences. Laboratory, field, satellite and modeling investigations are welcome at all scales from the molecular level to global scales.

Looking forward to meeting you at our session,

Conveners: Sophie Sobanska (CNRS, University of Bordeaux), Yanlin Zhang (Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology), Eric Villenave (CNRS, University of Bordeaux), Gan Zhang (Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry) and Christian George (CNRS, University of Lyon).