27eme journée d'étude de la section belge du CI

Journée d'études

The JDE will be held in Brussels, April 3-5, 2024 at ULB, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Solbosch Campus, Building R42.

You are invited to submit an extended abstract (max. two pages long, including relevant figures and references) electronically in PDF format by February 15th, 2024. Acceptance for oral presentation will be notified by February 28th. Abstracts shall be sent to marco.lubrano.lavadera()ulb.be.

Online registration is available at this link. The registration fees for the meeting include the book of abstracts, coffees, drinks, lunches, a guided tour, and a conference dinner. Fees are:

  • 250 € for members of the Combustion Institute
  • 280 € for non-members of the Combustion Institute
  • 180 € for students

An additional 50 € fee will be required for late registration (after March 15th, 2024).

More information about the program can be found here.